Smoking Airplanes: The Past, Present, and Future
They say the greatest companies are built by people who ran into a problem, couldn’t find a solution, and figured it out for themselves. So goes the story with Smoking Airplanes!
How it All Began
Our company began in that “find a need and fill it” sort of way. John, the founder of Smoking Airplanes, was a pilot who was having difficulty finding a smoke system that would work with his plane.
The best option at the time was to work with a mechanic to customize a system for your plane. This required extensive amounts of time and money—all resulting in a system with extensive safety issues. John knew that there had to be a better way.
That’s when the idea for Smoking Airplanes started.
John worked with engineers to create a modular system that could fit nearly any plane, making it safe and easy to take to the skies (and leave a smoke trail behind). He began to sell these systems to fellow pilots, airplane hobbyists, and mechanics.
All of John’s hard work laid the foundation of quality smoke systems—all backed by a team of aviation enthusiasts who love good customer service. As Smoking Airplanes continues to grow, we strive to take the legacy that John began and expand his vision. It’s about creating the best experience for pilots, mechanics, and manufacturers. In the words of our co-founder, “I want our products to put a smile on people’s face.”
The Future of Smoking Airplanes
Our customers are the future of Smoking Airplanes, and it’s all about creating an experience that is easy, secure, and gives you the resources you need. That’s why we’re excited to share where Smoking Airplanes is headed:
New website. The new Smoking Airplanes site gives you easy access to the products you need and clear instructions when you install your smoke system. It outlines the details of our products and makes it easy to learn what works with your plane.
- Pilot spotlights. Our customers have interesting stories to tell and we want to share them. Send us your pictures and videos—we’d love to spotlight you on our website!
- Easy and secure online payment. Now you can purchase your smoke system or accessories online quickly and easily.
- New products. If your experience is our priority, we want to offer the products you need, from new tank sizes to accessories.
- More resources. We pride ourselves in smoke systems that are easy-to-use and install. But we also want to give you the resources to help along the way. We’ve built FAQs and more in-depth installation guides, plus we’re always here to assist with any installation questions.
Since John began the company, thousands of smoke systems have been installed on planes—from a Cessna to a B17 WWII Bomber—and shipped worldwide. We feel confident saying there’s an aircraft flying right now with our smoke system installed, and that’s a legacy we’re proud to continue.
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